Level up your Leadership
You are an (Impact) Entrepreneur who wants to build the future, combining benefits for society with business potential.
But your success as a Founder also depends on your Team.
Picking the wrong people is the fastest way to kill your dream.
Teams deliver to promise not just because individual team members are skilled and energetic;
your potential to Execute successfully starts from knowing what you have - and what you need.
Impact Potential (IP) is the new language of Team Power
IP provides a common language to engage with all the elements of team dynamics:
Motivation | Direction | Capability | Action.
IP characterises the Why, the What, and the How each individual brings to an initiative.
These actionable insights into Attitudes, Know-how, and Drive empower individuals to work better together. More traction, with less friction.
Start: Baseline your Confidence
Confidence is a key IP element. It describes the know-how an individual (or Team) has built to date about the activities involved in exploring ideas and developing attractive propositions.
Confidence grows over time during multiple projects; sometimes in established organisations, sometimes in startups.
Show the know-how you bring
Appreciate your learning gaps
Be clear on what you need from others