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People Power?

Committed, self-aware Teams know, grow and can show their attitudes, know-how and drive.

Making initiative success twice as likely.

Fitter for Purpose approaches confirm Commitment and calibrate Competence, in order to systematically raise Confidence.

These actionable insights into Team Impact Potential and Team Risk are valuable for all those involved in exploring and building propositions.


Level up your Leadership

You are an (Impact) Entrepreneur who wants to build the future, combining benefits for society with business potential.

But your success as a Founder also depends on your Team.

Picking the wrong people is the fastest way to kill your dream.

Teams deliver to promise not just because individual team members are skilled and confident; team power starts from knowing what you have - and what you need.

Build an investable team

Deeply understand the collective skills, know-how and drive of your team, as the foundation of your success.

  • Know what you really bring to the initiative

  • Be clear on what you need from others to complement you

  • Understand the real team dynamics - how your team actually works or will work

  • Be aware of potential points of friction

  • Know how to maximise whole team effectiveness